Question 2. How far do you want to go?

Scroll down to see next logical steps. Pick the right milestone for you. 

The further you scroll, the more you’ll save and grow.

Step 0 - 7-Day Intro E-TimeBook

If you want to test TimeBook before making any real investment in yourself.

This 7-Day Intro lets you experience one day of each 7 Weeks from the start to the Good Life.

Each week in TimeBook – the Start to the Good Life has a different theme.

Or keep scrolling to save money and grow more

Step 1 - The Start to the Good Life

Get started for real by learning the fundamentals in next 7 weeks / 49 days one day at a time.

7-Week Program with 49 Daily Lessons

Day 1: Set yourself up for success
Day 2: Tool of happiness with Tony Robbins
Day 3: Find your partners of growth
Day 4: Discover your real dreams with Vishen
Day 5: Set your priorities like Warren Buffett
Day 6: The S.M.A.R.T. goal system
Day 7: The Big rock system

Day 8: Multiply your time with Rory Vaden
Day 9: Be a time boxer like Elon Musk
Day 10: Win mornings like Robin Sharma
Day 11: Set goals that will actually make you happy
Day 12: Build new habits the smart way
Day 13: Double your energy by sleeping right
Day 14: Double your life with weekly journal

Day 15: Read your way to success
Day 16: Get a lot more out of books
Day 17: Use the right resources
Day 18: Boost energy flow & health
Day 19: Keep your mind healthy
Day 20: Enjoy & love meditating
Day 21: 60 seconds for happiness

Day 22: Keep learning the smarter way
Day 23: Maximize your productivity
Day 24: Find your real dreams with Alan Watts
Day 25: Find your drivers with Tony Robbins
Day 26: Be present and take real action
Day 27: Win your life with body language
Day 28: Create powerful connections with anyone

Day 29: Become an excellent influence
Day 30: The power of naps – do it right!
Day 31: Choose the happiness lifestyle
Day 32: Allow creativity into your life
Day 33: Find your passion & awesomeness
Day 34: 60 minutes to getting rich & new tool
Day 35: The basics of finances & investing

Day 36: 50 Entrepreneurs & Elon’s Rules
Day 37: Steve Jobs’ 3 Lessons for Good Life
Day 38: Self-confidence as your new standard
Day 39: Healthy body, healthy mind
Day 40: The 9 strange ULTRA-success rules
Day 41: The next level creativity weekend
Day 42: Thinking outside of the box

Day 43: The art of memory
Day 44: Love personal development with Jim Rohn
Day 45: Make your life count for real
Day 46: Spark the motivated energy in you
Day 47: Love your progress & reward yourself
Day 48: Continue your smart growth
Day 49: Improve the world by helping others


Cheapest option to start
$ 22.22
  • Interactive E-TimeBook PDF
  • Convenient MentorBot Course
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  • Golden gift box

Real TimeBook

Start your next level growth
$ 33.33
  • Interactive E-TimeBook PDF​
  • Convenient MentorBot Course​
  • Premium Quality Planner​
  • International Shipping
  • Golden gift box

THE golden Gift

Inspire someone to join you
$ 44.44
  • Interactive E-TimeBook PDF​
  • Premium Quality Planner​
  • Premium Quality Planner​
  • International Shipping
  • Golden Gift Box

Question 2. How far do you want to go?

Scroll down to see next logical steps. Pick the right milestone for you. 

The further you scroll, the more you’ll save and grow.